Woodworm Treatments

Woodworm treatments
in Essex and Suffolk

Have you noticed tiny holes in your wooden beams? These could be the initial signs of a woodworm infestation. Its time to contact Heritage Remedial Preservation Co for prompt and reliable woodworm treatments across Essex and Suffolk.
Contact us

Comprehensive woodworm treatment services

 If you see your timber affected by bore holes or woodworm infestation, then call us right away. We give your property a free survey, determine the extent and prevention for the damage caused. We have a range of solutions for the woodworm treatment. Contact us for more information.

Our solutions to woodworm are as follows:

  • Water-based boron spray
  • Odourless gel
  • Liquid and solid boron solution 
  • Backed Guarantees Available

Reliable solutions to preserve your timber

Reliable solutions to preserve your timber
We also provide dry rot control and preventive measures for the spread of the common problems that affect timber. We also work on structural timber and can also replace the timber if we find it to be beyond treatment.
woodworm affected timber
Woodworm and dry rot can potentially reduce timber to sawdust. If you have a building in which woodworm is prominent, then regular varnishing and maintenance is a must. Trust our expertise to give you sound advice regarding your building preservation.

Call us now on
01621 817 432
07710 755 263
for excellent timber preservation and woodworm control services.

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